Hozzászólás Törlési Kérelem

Ha úgy véli ez a hozzászólás nem tükrözi a valóságot, vagy a telefonszám tulajdonosára vonatkozólag sértő szavakat tartalamaz, vagy esetleg Ön a szám tulajdonosa, és nem szeretné ha ez a hozzászólás megjelenne a telefonszáma alatt itt kérheti annak eltávolítását.

+8615331942661 / 008615331942661

Hi there Nézze meg ki hívta Önt a +8615331942661 / 008615331942661 telefonszámról my name is Lucy from X best world ou and I wanted to introduce you to this digital product that helps, through visual psychology, to increase sales in some cases, in other cases safety at work and more, it has various outlets. Did you know that people are up to four times more likely to notice digital signage than traditional printed signs? By exploiting movement, bright colors and personalized messages in real time, digital signage transforms the shopping experience, connecting customers to the brand in a deeper and more memorable way. Below you will find a link where with a detailed and schematic blog article you can better understand how it works on a psychological level on end users : https://www.bestqtf.org/2133552_yodeck-understanding-the-psychology-of-shoppers Or I will attach the link directly to the company that markets it where you can find the same explanations and the cost of only 8 dollars a month to use it. www.yodeck.com/?ref=zgu3ndu From 11 november Yodeck is offering an exclusive 20% discount on any new screen orders using code ‘GIFT20’ Try to understand how it works and how it can help you increase your business, your business security and more based on your product category. We are pleased to introduce  fragrance diffusers equipped with an acoustic system, ideal for offices, stores, waiting rooms, meeting rooms, hotels, restaurants, and more. The offer includes a discount of up to 50% on the product, along with a $50 gift card. These offers are privately reserved and include the gift card; to access them, visit the “Private Offers” page on our website (www.bestqtf.org),at the following link :https://www.bestqtf.org/office-products/private-offers accessible with the password: private2024. Best regards Lucy Frick X Best World Ou www.bestqtf.org

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